Sunday, November 16, 2008

Pop Knots

For about a week now, Daddy has been (pretend) threatening to put a "pop knot" on Lily's head. Of course, she doesn't feel at all threatened. She just smiles and laughs. One time, she even put a hand on top of her head, as if to protect it. (She's starting to learn body parts, so she might have been just confirming that she knew where her head was.)

Anyway, Sunday afternoon, Lily gave herself a doozy of a "pop knot." She had just gotten up from a nap and was meandering somewhat aimlessly and quite drowsy through the house. I was in the kitchen and I thought I heard her talking to Daddy through the bathroom door. Then I heard a loud THONK, and she began to cry. I thought she had knocked on the door trying to get him to come out and was upset that she couldn't get in. When I realized it was an "I'm hurt" cry and not the "I'm mad" cry, I ran to see what happened. Lily had bonked her head on a narrow piece of wall between the two bedroom doors.

She cried a good while, and when she finally pulled away from my shoulder so I could she her face, a big ugly goose-egg was developing on her forehead. I could actually see it getting bigger as I stared at it. Poor Lily! I'd sob, too! I did count my blessings, however, that Lily's pediatrician is also a friend from church, who was coming over to visit in a matter of minutes. He marveled at the size of the bump, but assured me that she would be fine. The swelling had gone down considerably by the time he left.

You will forgive me if I do not post pictures of her "pop knot." That's just not cool. It's bad enough that I alluded to thinking head injuries are humorous.

1 comment:

Smith Family said...

Poor Lily, I'm so glad she is doing better, my kids, well really only Wyatt would hit his head on a daily bases...we always said he had a big head. We have so many pictures of goose eggs on his head. I found your blog from Nancys blog. Its really great to be in touch with everyone.