Saturday, November 15, 2008

Growing Up Too Fast

I baby-sat my friend's 6-week-old baby a couple weeks ago, and had brought out Lily's old lounging seat for him to lie in. After he was gone, Lily was very excited to be in it, too. I took a picture of her and began reminiscing about when she was much smaller. As I watched Lily playing with the toys, I wondered if she was reminiscing, too.

Babies grow up too fast. Look at the pictures and see for yourself.

Lily - 1 month (top), Lily - 1 year (bottom)

1 comment:

Nancy Niederer said...

first of all, cute seat...the bottom looks all sturdy and such. they really do gorw so fast, i am so glad you are able to stay home with her, what a blessing to you both. she was such a cute baby, and still such a cute toddler. hope she doesn't have an middle school "episode" like i did. *shudder* love you!