Saturday, January 3, 2009

Lily Gets a Job, Part 2

Monday morning, the rug burn on Lily's chin had a terrible scab over it, but according to her agent, we had to go to the shoot anyway - scab or no scab. Once the sponsors could look at it, they would decide whether to use make-up, try airbrushing, or reschedule the whole thing.

Lily was great on the train again, but she didn't attract as much positive attention as she did to and from her audition. We met up with Kinya (Lily's agent) at a train station downtown and he escorted us the rest of the way to the studio. We got to take the subway, too, a first for the whole family. It was a short walk from the subway station to the studio. Lily fell asleep along the way.

The hair and make-up artist was able to cover her chin scab pretty well. He also brushed a little brown powder in her hair. She still looked blonde, but the powder created more contrast between her skin and her hair.

Lily did great in front of the camera for the first 90 minutes. We took a break and Lily napped a little. After that, we tried for another half hour, but Lily was done. They had taken hundreds of photos and agreed that they had what they were looking for. We were finished.

The product release won't be until August 2009, but Lily will be featured on the packaging, the website, and in print ads. Of course, we will be buying lots of this stuff as soon as it is available. And so will lots of Japanese women who want their skin to look like Lily's... with any imperfections airbrushed into oblivion.

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